
“Language and dialect in Italy and the wider Europe in the context of the unesco Atlas” – di Christopher Moseley

Riportiamo di seguito la trascrizione dell’intervento del Prof. Christopher Moseley – linguista dell’UNESCO, curatore del manuale “Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger” – tenuto in occasione del Convegno internazionale “Il veneto: tradizione, tutela, continuità” – Venezia 11-12 febbraio 2011.

After a brief chronicle concerning the history of the Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger edited by unesco and its first volume editions (1996, 2001), Moseley lingers over the layout and the functioning of the third edition, in its digital version (2009). Particular attention is dedicated to the filing of «degree of endargement» of languages of the world (six different degrees, starting form «Safe» up to «Extinct»), and to the linguistic situation of contemporary Italy.

Tratto da Quaderni Veneti 1|1|2012

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