“Chi parla veneto pensa in veneto?” – di Arturo Tosi
Mostra a schermo interoRiportiamo di seguito la trascrizione dell’intervento del Prof. Arturo Tosi – University of London / Università degli Studi di Siena – tenuto in occasione del Convegno internazionale “Il veneto: tradizione, tutela, continuità” – Venezia 11-12 febbraio 2011.
The main focus is on which language could actually translate hu- man thoughts in a bilingual context. According to the scientific literature and applying the theory of J. Cummins, the author underlines that the first language (in the Italian case, the dialect) has a relevant expressive aim; on the contrary, the cognitive actions concern with the second language. The danger is to impose the learning of dialect at school, since it normally survives in the daily speaking code. In other words, «speaking the Venetian dialect means thinking in Venetian dialect» and considering the Italian language as a mandatory foreign language are two statements based more on political reasons emphasising the difference between the changes traditionally present in the Italian linguistic history, than a linguistic real situation.Tratto da Quaderni Veneti 1|1|2012
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